“Traditional paper management from a surgical chart perspective is a burden that pushes people toward costly and inflexible EMR systems. We teamed up with ShareableFORMS, and my team loves it.”
- Chuck Williamson, CEO Williamson Eye Center

Your Forms
Made Shareable
Paper forms on an iPad
User-friendly templates for fast and easy data entry
Co-Pilot function to ensure complete documentation
Vitals tracking for patient encounters
Stored securely in the cloud
Instant access for your entire team
Easy chart review, documentation and signing

What is Paper Actually Costing You?
Change is hard. We all like to be able to fall back on a proven process because it is there for us like a warm blanket. But what is it costing you to keep hold of those paper forms?
At Shareable, we know your forms are critical. But, the paper is holding you back and costing you more. We have created this quick assessment to help you see what paper is actually costing you.