Jane prints the daily schedule, Molly pulls charts from storage, Jane assembles pages for new charts, Molly prints the patient stickers, Jane adheres the patient stickers to pages in the new chart, Molly pulls charts for auditing, Jane deconstructs the day’s charts, Molly scans the day’s charts into the EMR, Jane returns the charts to storage…Do these tasks sound familiar? Well, just imagine if all of Jane and Molly’s activities were ELIMINATED. What in the world would Jane and Molly do? The answer: likely more patient-care responsibilities. Thus, one of the major ROIs ShareableFORMS delivers to ASCs is revealed in employees being repurposed. Thus, when the ShareableFORMS platform is introduced, ASCs can change the duties of some of their employees by having them doing fewer clerical tasks. Furthermore, in our new world of staffing shortages, the ability to shift staff job roles within the ASC has never been more important.
ShareableFORMS: you can repurpose staff!
Updated: Jun 28, 2022